This time of year is hard for many people, the hype and busyness of Christmas being over leaves us all trying to get back to some sort of normality, and for some means spending less time with the people we love.
As we grow older some of us become more reliant on our families or loved ones, and in turn our relationships change, for example from child and parent to carer and patient.
Some see this change as a smooth transition and the change can be made easily, for others as much as they love and care for their loved ones, times like these can be difficult; juggling a full time job for example, along with these responsibilities can bring some frustrations and can be tiring.
We miss the relationships we had, and even our lifestyles have to change to accommodate the transition, for the parent having their child see them at their most vulnerable, and for the child seeing their parents decline.
"The vast majority of care in the UK is provided by family and friends, who make up the UK’s 6.5 million carers. Social services and the NHS rely on carers’ willingness and ability to provide care and without it they would collapse."
Times can be trying for many of us, don’t forget to look after yourself, and remember it’s ok to give yourself a break.
Giving ourselves space to step back and allowing someone to provide support even for one day or even one hour a week can help reduce the stress of responsibility, and help begin to restore the relationship. Provide new conversation topics and allow new memories to form.
I’m happy and proud to say I can help. Something I pride myself on is being person-centered; I understand that for family members it can be a daunting task choosing the right help for their loved ones, this is why I offer a free first consultation. An opportunity for both your love one and yourself to meet me face to face to answer any questions you may have, check my qualifications, and discuss what is needed from the sessions.
Remember to take care of yourself,
Much Love x